Old La Luz Trail to The Five Map

“Old La Luz to The Five” Trail Map

For those interested in an alternate route to The Five (5 mile marker), I’ve put together a map with both the main La Luz Trail and the Old La Luz Trail (shortcut) on the same map. The map includes fairly detailed trail notes, pictures and navigation aids to help you identify when and where you need to go in order to explore the four sections of the old trail. All four sections of the old trail are well-worn, so once you get on a section, it is virtually impossible to get lost or confused as to which way you need to go, except where noted on the map for Section 1.

By hiking the Old La Luz Trail to The Five, the 5 mile trek when hiking the main trail will be reduced to only 3.1 miles. You will also get a much better workout because the old trail has steeper grades than the main trail. However, there is a trade-off: the old trail won’t give you the views you get from the main trail.

If you feel the map needs additional information or corrections, please let me know by leaving a comment.

Click Here to go to the Old La Luz Trail map… then click on the individual icons for the trail notes and/or pics. If icon notes come up empty, try reloading the map.

Click Here to go to my first La Luz Trail hike, which includes main trail info and numerous pics of the main trail up to the five mile marker.

Click Here to see a few pics of snow and ice conditions on each section of the old trail.